Return Policy


Since every order is 100% custom, we do not allow returns for reasons unrelated to quality. For example, we cannot refund or reproduce your order if you decide you do not want it, ordered the wrong size or prefer a different product. However, if there is an issue with your order, contact us.

The most important aspects of our returns & refunds policies are:

  • We must be contacted within 24 hours from the delivery of any defects.
  • We require you to submit a photograph that clearly indicates the problem.
  • We may request that you return 100% of a defective order before we reproduce your order
  • We require you to pay for shipping if a return is required.
  • We will reproduce or refund your order within 1 week if we verify that we made an error.
  • We will use the original production time and shipping method when reproducing an order.
  • All sales are final.